Spell. Smile. Share
A 21st century FLAMES.
Did nostalgia get the better of you?
Do you wish to break the ice between your new crush?
Or are you simply bored?
Flames is your perfect answer!
Remember the good old days when we used to scribble names on benches and strike out letters to find the relationship status between our crushes?
Not from WhatsApp status; Not from Instagram bio, but from the fun game called 'FLAMES'.
Did your hand not jitter when simply spelling out his/her name?
That excitement and hushed giggles if 'L' aka 'LOVE' striked or the ROLF moment when 'S' striked? Relive them again!
You passed notes of FLAMES to your friends and watched them react, right? well you can share you predicted relation on Instagram, WhatsApp or on the million other social platforms!!!